AXI IMMO / Investment land / mazowieckie / Powiat piaseczyński / Gmina Lesznowola /
Production area near Piaseczno - 4 ha
Investment land near the S7
The site is rectangular in shape Possibility of dividing the property Proximity of route S7, S2, national road no. 7
Investment land located 16 km south of the centre of Warsaw in the Lesznowola commune. The land is located at a distance of approx. 2 km from the entrance to the junction of the newly constructed expressway - S7, which will eventually connect the Tricity, Warsaw, Kielce and Kraków agglomerations. In addition, at a distance of approx. 3 km from the site there is a section of national road no. 79 between Warsaw - Krakow - Katowice.
Technical data
Possibility of divisiontak
Development planYES
Maximum building area (%)70.0
Minimum biologically active surface (%)10.0
Possible activities according to Development planzabudowa usługowa, przemysł, rzemiosło, składy i magazyny;
Offer IDd639
Droga ekspresowa S7
Droga krajowa 79
Jacek Szkuta
Land Department Director